Formal ban on the use of electric scalpels in the presence of metal eye shields

To ensure patient safety and the success of ophthalmic surgical procedures, we would like to inform you of a crucial guideline.
The use of electric scalpels in the presence of metal eye shields is strictly forbidden.
Due to the electrical characteristics of these devices, interference may occur, endangering the patient and compromising the success of the surgery. Electric scalpels generate an electromagnetic field that can cause metal eye shields to heat up, leading to potential risks to patient safety. To avoid these risks, we recommend the following actions:
1. Inform your entire surgical team of this prohibition. It is imperative that all team members are aware of this directive and strictly adhere to it.
2. Switch off and store all electric scalpels before applying metal eye protection to the patient. This step must become an integral part of your safety protocols.
3. Develop contingency plans in case of non-compliance with this guideline. Make sure you have contingency plans in place to deal with any unexpected situation.
We emphasize that this prohibition is put in place in the interest of patient safety. We ask for your understanding.